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Change is Inevitable

Get a glimpse at my healing ceremony in the video below. You will have to excuse the messy result as I am no expert! I also forgot to actually use the paintbrush that was provided in the kit which would have made my finished product much more refined, I'm sure. Nonetheless, I truly enjoyed the experience of remaking something to be more beautiful than it was before. The process was incredibly therapeutic and I would highly recommend it to anyone who feels as though they want to recreate themselves in sense.

I decided to leave the hole in my creation because to me it symbolized that what is gone is gone. The hole now serves as an opening to shed more light on the beauty within. I am in love with my kintsugi creation and now use it as a container for my stones and crystals.

Life Honey Living was kind enough to provide a discount to all of my family, friends, and fans who are interested in undergoing this cathartic ceremony. Click the link below to choose a kit that best suits you and your situation!


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